
Fulfilling the Promise of Public Education in Illinois

Vision 2030 is the second time IASA has fostered collaboration and unity among education organizations across the state to create an advocacy framework for public education in Illinois. The first initiative, Vision 2020, resulted in numerous achievements, including the passage of the Evidence-Based Funding Formula and Illinois Balanced Accountability Model.

About Vision 2030

Vision 2030 launched on October 18, 2023, with enthusiasm from education leaders across the state of Illinois. Vision 2030 is led by the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), and includes representatives from the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), the Illinois Association of School Business Officials (IASBO), the Illinois Principals Association (IPA), the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendent of Schools (IARSS), and other partners.

Vision 2030 work groups:

  • Student Success
  • Accountability
  • Educator Excellence
  • Finance & Funding

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Student Success

Illinois education leaders believe that student success is a matter of definition and ultimately the responsibility of local communities and local school districts.
School leaders recognize that re-shaping the definition of student success toward personalized whole-child student growth has been positive. That said, non-academic issues related to mental health, student safety, and social-emotional health are significantly interfering with core academic programming. While the workgroup identified a number of challenges and priorities, there is consensus that policy should center around a need to allow local districts to innovate to match the local needs of their students.

Priorities for the future:
  • Promote flexibility to meet the needs of diverse communities around the state.
  • Emphasize future-driven skills that allow for multiple definitions of student success.
  • Address safety and well-being for all stakeholders in schools.
  • Develop cross-agency, community, and industry partnerships to meet the needs of students.

Educator Excellence

Illinois education leaders believe that ensuring all students are taught by excellent teachers in districts led by excellent school leaders is fundamental to high quality education.
There is consensus that the de-professionalization of education and divisiveness in local communities is repelling talent from entering public education as a profession. Leaders are concerned about the educator pipeline and believe a new vision is necessary to attract, prepare, and retain high quality educators.

Priorities for the future:
  • Attract a high quality and diverse educator pipeline.
  • Reimagine educator preparation and create flexible licensure pathways.
  • Improve the educator's professional experience.


Illinois education leaders believe that accountability plays an important role in ensuring all students in Illinois have access to a high-quality education.
While there is consensus that Illinois is moving in the right direction with respect to expanding accountability beyond test scores, a new and stable vision for accountability is needed to support continuous quality improvement. Frequent changes to the accountability system along with unfunded local mandates is prohibiting local education agencies from innovating their practices to support whole-child student growth. A new vision for accountability must balance the need for transparent reporting of student and system outcomes to the public, with local autonomy to allocate time and resources in alignment to the values of local communities.

Priorities for the future:
  • Reform the EC-12 assessment system for the purpose of accountability that is a timely and reflective measure of student performance and growth over time.
  • Reform the mandate process to ensure implementation procedures that promote flexibility and local decision making.
  • Create equity-based accountability measures that differentiate based on district/school needs and appropriately reflect the success of the system

Finance & Funding

Illinois education leaders believe that long-term sustainable funding will provide excellent resources and opportunities for students to be successful.
The Evidence-Based Funding (EBF) model has had a highly positive impact on public education since it was implemented in 2018. EBF took the necessary first step toward ensuring all schools have the resources they need to provide a safe, rigorous, and well-rounded learning environment for all students. However, the long-term success of this funding model requires ongoing increased contributions on an annual basis to maintain the desired level of equity and access that is possible with this approach to school funding. Continued advocacy for enhancing and supplementing the current funding structure must be pursued.

Priorities for the future:
  • Protect the integrity and funding of the Evidence-Based Funding formula.
  • Enact pension reforms that strengthen public education.
  • Establish equitable statewide funding sources for capital and safety needs.
  • Expand funding for the recruitment and retention of quality school personnel.
  • Enhance financial flexibility for all school districts.
Dr. Brent Clark, IASA Executive Director

We’re here today to chart a course for the future and make a stronger public education system for our students.

Vision 2030 Timeline

Fall Work Group Session

Illinois education leaders meet in Springfield to discuss the future of education in Illinois.
October 2023

Statewide Priority Survey

A statewide survey administered to association members.
November 2023

Winter Work Group Session

Education leaders meet in Springfield, IL for second gathering to begin refining the Vision 2030 plan.
January 2024

Spring Work Group Session

Education leaders meet in Springfield, IL for third gathering to finalize priorities.
May 2024

Vision 2030 Complete

Partner associations formally adopt Vision 2030.
Summer 2024

Vision 2030 Launch

Vision 2030 and partner organizations advocate for the priorities in Vision 2030.
Fall 2024

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Vision 2030 Partners

Partners in the vision for student success in Illinois.