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Fulfilling the Promise of Public Education in Illinois

Vision 2030 represents the second time education stakeholders fostered collaboration and unity among education organizations across the state to create an advocacy framework for public education in Illinois. The first initiative, Vision 2020, resulted in numerous achievements, including the passage of the Evidence-Based Funding Formula, Illinois Balanced Accountability Model, and Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act.

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Vision 2030 Priorities




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Dr. Jennifer Norrell
Superintendent of Aurora East USD #131
Vison 2030 is so much more than just a vison. Vison 2030 is all about the process of creating a document focused on teaching & learning, accountability and funding schools. A process that was well organized and promoted contextualized discussions in planning for the future success of education across our State. Vision 2030 was created through research, purposeful dialogue, and lived experiences of leaders representing stakeholders statewide on the backbone issues impacting education in Illinois. It was beneficial as a leader to serve in this tremendous effort while both contributing and learning from those across the State of Illinois.
Marc Tepper
Board Member Kildeer Countryside 96
As a school board member for more than twenty years, I am dedicated to ensuring that the voices of students, parents, and our community are heard. This Vision 2030 document, built on the pillars of Future Focused Learning, Shared Accountability, and Predictable Funding, provides a strong foundation for the next decade of education in Illinois. This initiative requires a collective commitment across every corner of the state to stand for excellence in education for all children. The collaborative efforts of multiple groups, each bringing their unique perspectives, resulted in a comprehensive blueprint for education. This framework, following the Vision 2020 initiative, aims to empower each district to make decisions that best serve their communities, ensuring that every child, from Cairo to Chicago and Champaign to East St. Louis, receives a quality education.
Dr. Ehren Jarrett
Superintendent of Rockford SD #205
We need education to be a career that excites young people again. Vision 2030 advocates for the need to increase autonomy and add more flexibility to the work experience by doing away with burdensome laws that dictate what the school day looks like. This is not something that will happen overnight, but Vision 2030 provides ideas that can push the Illinois General Assembly to making changes that will ultimately benefit our kids and our entire education system.
Kristen Fitzgerald
Board Member Naperville CUSD 203
I was grateful to participate in this collaborative effort to set the vision for public education in Illinois through 2030. This collective vision outlines the steps necessary to improve teaching and learning, assessment, accountability and funding, in order to ensure that we meet the challenge of preparing all our students for the future. We are proud of the Vision 2030 advocacy framework and hope that it will drive legislative action to improve the educational outcomes of the nearly two million children in Illinois.
Dr. Charles Johns
Superintendent of Glenbrook High School District 225
Reflecting on the success of Vision 2020, it is clear how impactful Illinois educational leaders can be when they come together for deep meaningful conversations about our aspirations for education in this state. Our work on Vision 2030 was a professionally gratifying experience as we carried that spirit into rich, meaningful conversations about how great we can make education in our state.
Dr. Laura O’Donnell
Superintendent of Olympia CUSD #16
Vision 2030 calls for the state to identify a Tier II pension model that meets federal requirements for state pension plans, attracts and retains high-quality professionals and identifies new funding streams for pension systems. Across the state, we have early-career teachers leaving the profession because they’re realizing they don’t want to be working until the age of 67. That hurts our schools and our kids. I’m proud to serve on Vision 2030 and advocate for a statewide solution to this problem.
Shelia Nelson
Board Member Cairo #1
As a committed Board of Director for the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) and a 14-year school board member for Cairo School District 1, I am honored to share the ongoing dedication to advancing the quality of education in Illinois through the Vision 2030 framework. Building upon success of the Vision 2020 initiative, the Vision 2030 framework is a strategic blueprint aimed at further transforming public education to meet the evolving needs of our students, educators, and communities. With Vison 2030, we are taking bold steps to address the current future challenges facing or school systems. Moving forward, we remain committed to creating sustainable, forward-thinking policies that support all learners. Together, we can ensure that every student in Illinois has the opportunity to succeed and thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Daniel Booth
Superintendent of Carbondale CHSD #165
I am proud and honored to serve on the Vision 2030 Workgroup and advocate for a state assessment system that provides more timely and meaningful data. Currently, it takes months for state assessment data to be returned to local districts. By that time, the data is almost useless in helping schools drive student achievement at the local level. Immediately providing unofficial student test scores would better serve our teachers and kids.
Dr. Theresa Rouse
Superintendent of Joliet PSD #86
Being part of the Vision 2030 Workgroup was an incredible opportunity to collaborate with stakeholders from across the state from all aspects of public education. The final product is one that represents the collective mindset we need to move forward with our advocacy for public education in Illinois!

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